Organization for visual communicators in Finland Grafia ry organized an open call for all its members to contribute. An illustration I made for Grafia magazine was published in their Quarantine Issue in early 2020 (2/20).
Paskasta Kasvaa [Ruusuja] translates to roses growing out of shit. Author Paula Noronen mentioned this on an afternoon radio show, and I decided to visualize her words. I recognized that as a beautiful message for the pandemic.
I was inspired by cheesy and tacky greeting cards found in kiosks, convenience stores, and flea markets. The crude message is contrasted with pink and rainbow hues to communicate hope for the future. In order to experience growth, we have to go through tough times - both personally and collectively.

Want to know more about this project?
Contact Sofia Nissilä, sofia.j.nissila@aalto.fi
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